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What if we could show you how to be out of debt in 9 years or less including your mortgage without spending any additional dollars than you are spending right now?
This is the question that has everyone excited to know more about our Debt Free Life program and how it works. Once you fully understand this incredible program, you will want to help everyone you know out of debt. Because DFL is incredibly rewarding, by both helping people, and making good money, you will want to invite others to join your team.
Did you know the average individual pays 34% of the money they earn in a lifetime to interest? Taxes are even worse at $.40 per dollar average! This leaves approximately 26% to pay for everything else like vehicles, clothes, insurance, gas, food, travel, etc. Most Americans are on a treadmill, with goals to be further ahead but not able to make ends meet without debt.
This is where DFL comes in. We focus on the problem, interest and taxes. Using a unique and proprietary 7-step money management process, clients are able to pay off all of their debt, including the mortgage in 9 years or less.
Click Below To Watch
Help potential DFL candidates to understand the basic stategy and start the informational process. On your page, candidates are given a brief overview and general statistics on the American debt problem. By clicking the button, they are taken to a more in-depth overview of the process. Once the candidate has completed the required steps, their information will be directed to you for review and processing.
Client Enter's Name and Email To Continue. The client will be stamped with your name and email for follow-up marketing.
STEP 1.- WatchDebt Freedom Starts Here.
32-min overview of how the system works.
Clients are given the ability to auto-schedule 15-min on your personal calendar should they choose to not proceed to the form.
STEP 2.- Discover Your Freedom Plan.
No banking or secure information is requested. Client is encouraged to provide debt and payment information as clearly as possible.
STEP 3.- Big Picture Review.
Once Freedom Plan outline has been received, you will call the client and schedule the "Big Picture Review".
Clients Are Given Access To Resource Library.
Click Here to review the current library of resources.
Short videos are availible for those who want to do more research on our company. Each of the videos cover various objections or FAQ.
Click Below To Watch the DFL Corporate Overview
Building your business can be difficult. With the DFL Recruiting Page, your potential business partners will have instant access to the DFL corporate overview, and your calendar. Your time can be spent sending people to your custom landing page instead of explaining this remarkable business model.
14 minute Corporate Overview Video
Instant Calendar Access
Follow-up Email Notifications
Success Stories w/Examples
3 Levels Available, Both Part and Full-Time
STEP. 1- Watch Corporate Overview
STEP. 2- Schedule 1st Interview Call
STEP. 3-Schedule 2nd Interview Call
Invite To A Local Office or Schedule On Your Personal Calendar.
Building your business can be difficult. With the DFL Recruiting Page, your potential business partners will have instant access to the DFL corporate overview, and your calendar. Your time can be spent sending people to your custom landing page instead of explaining this remarkable business model.
3 minute General DFL Overview Video
1 hour DFL Information Webinar
Follow-up Email Notifications
3 minute professional testimonial video
Direct calendar access
STEP. 1- Watch Overview
Realtor / Mortgage Broker / Title Company
Accountant/ Bookkeeper / Debt Counselor
Agent / CFP / Investment Advisers
STEP. 2- Unlock Webinar Replay
STEP. 3-Schedule A Call
WARNING:Using these recruiting funnels may cause above-average results and an unfair advantage.